Sunday, March 16, 2014

A Year of Jubilation Part Two

Thus began our year of Jubilation with I AM, but it was not to last. The Garden in all its beauty had been invaded by something that would deceive me and my partner both. Too long had I become happy with my companion, Eve. She was the sun and the moon. Everything was perfect between me, my companion, and I AM. The animals and insects were beautiful in their habitat, but the Serpent was more clever than any animal God has placed in the Garden,
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One day, as Eve recounts, she was wandering in the Garden when she heard what she thought was a tree speaking. It said, " Do I understand that God has commanded you not to eat from the trees in the Garden?" Eve was perplexed for she thought the voice had come from the trees and she couldn't understand why a tree was speaking to her let alone in her own tongue.
                   Curious, she looked around to try to find where the voice might be coming from. Just as she was about to give up and chalk it up to her imagination, she spotted it. Among the leaves, twisted between was the Serpent. She spotted him and he immediately asked her again, "Is it true? Can you not eat from the trees?"
                   Eve, not knowing his intentions, answered him saying, "Not at all, we can eat from these trees. I AM told us lovingly not to eat from the middle tree, He said in the moment we did we would surely die." The Serpent spoke again, "Now why would I AM tell you such a thing? Surely everything in this Paradise is perfect? No, you will not die. I AM knows that as soon as you eat from the tree, you will be just like Him." Eve replied, " Are we not already just like Him? Made in His very innate image?"
                   The Serpent persisted, "No, not in his image, but of His very mind."
                   " His mind, His thoughts?" Eve replied
                   " Yes," the Serpent replied "You will be equal with Him possessing everything that He possess. You will lack nothing."
                    And this, this interested Eve very much.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

2014 Oscar Predictions

I've never written a blog like this before, but I wanted to get in on the fun and spirit of the Oscars. I love films and the art that goes into the making them. Here are my predictions for tonight's red carpet showdown:

Best Picture
This is always a close race. There are a few here that could take the cake, but I think the top films for this award are "Dallas Buyers Club," "Gravity," and "Twelve Years a Slave." "Captain Phillips" could make a run for the award.
My Prediction: Gravity

Best Actor in a Leading Role
Bruce Dern -- "Nebraska"
Leonardo DiCaprio -- "The Wolf of Wall Street"
Chiwetel Ejiofor -- "12 Years a Slave"
Matthew McConaughey -- "Dallas Buyers Club"
Christian Bale -- "American Hustle"
Leo will once again not receive an Oscar for Best Actor. McConaughey and Ejiofor and the clear leaders in this category.
My Prediction: Matthew McConaughey- "Dallas Buyers Club"

Best Actress in a Leading Role
Any one of these women could take this award and they are all certainly deserving. This may be the best crop of actresses for this award in some time. Sandra Bullock looks this bring home the hardware with her haunting performance in "Gravity," but Cate Blanchett did win the Golden Globe in this same category for Woody Allen's "Blue Jasmine"
My Prediction: Cate Blanchett- "Blue Jasmine"

Best Actor in a Supporting Role
Barkhad Abdi -- "Captain Phillips"
Bradley Cooper -- "American Hustle"
Michael Fassbender -- "12 Years a Slave"
Jared Leto -- "Dallas Buyers Club"
Jonah Hill -- "The Wolf of Wall Street"
Once again its a showdown between the juggernauts that are "12 Years a Slave" and "Dallas Buyers Club." But also keep an eye out for the wild card that is Cooper.
My Prediction: Jared Leto- "Dallas Buyers Club"

Best Actress in a Supporting Role
Jennifer Lawrence -- "American Hustle"
Lupita Nyong'o -- "12 Years a Slave"
Julia Roberts -- "August: Osage County"
June Squibb -- "Nebraska"
Sally Hawkins -- "Blue Jasmine"
I liked to think that someone out there could usurp J-Law, but I dont see it happening this year.
My Prediction: Jennifer Lawrence- "American Hustle" 

Best Director
Alfonso Cuaron -- "Gravity"
Steve McQueen -- "12 Years a Slave"
Alexander Payne -- "Nebraska"
Martin Scorsese -- "The Wolf of Wall Street"
David O. Russell -- "American Hustle"

Why is Spike Jonze not nominated for "Her?" or Woody Allen for "Blue Jasmine?"
My Prediction: Alfonso Cuaron- "Gravity" 

Best Animated Feature
For almost a solid month after its release all I heard from people and from Buzzfeed was FROZEN!!!!!!! I'll be shocked if it doesnt take the hardware tonight.
My Prediction: Frozen

From here its mainly a bunch of editing awards and such, I will say that Gravity will win any visual art awards, Frozen will win for best original song, Woody Allen will win for screenplay, and JOHN WILLIAMS will win for best original score, because I mean, come on, its JOHN WILLIAMS. 
Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy the show!