Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Americus Blog #1

Americus Blog #1
Hi everyone,
This is my blog for my summer missions experience in Americus, Georgia. For those of you who don’t know, I am working with Central Baptist Church in Americus for six weeks. This is my first week here, and I can tell you already that I love it. The staff at Central is great, and the man we are working for is the Minister of Music, Joe Horan. This first week we have been working at the church with their VBS. The theme is “SKY” and the motto for the week is “Everything is Possible with God.” It has been a great week so far.  My team and I are playing in the VBS worship band, and I am working with the Bible story time while my teammates are working in other areas. Getting to see these kids respond to the Bible time in a positive way has been so enriching to my life. The first day, the kids were asked to trust God with the things that they could not control. The teacher asked the kids if they would pray about some things they couldn’t control and then ask God to trust Him with these things. It warmed my heart in a big way to hear those elementary school kids pray with such innocence and sincerity of heart.
                My team and I have had the amazing opportunity to bond through worship. Today, when we were tired, we strapped on the guitars and grabbed the mics and just worshipped the God who had brought us together. It was AMAZING! God is so great and this is going to be an amazing summer. My team is great. They are all super talented musicians and so on fire for God and His will for their lives. I am learning so much from them and am blessed to get to share this experience with them. Please be in prayer for us as well as Central Baptist Church and our VBS this week. My team is David Houser, Maghen Malcolm, and Taylor Turner.  Thank you all for reading and thank you for your prayers.
                                                                                                                                               In Christ,
                                                                                                                                                                       Derek Hale

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