Sunday, July 22, 2012

Changed by Mercy

Changed by Mercy

There’s been a song that I’ve been listening to here in Americus a lot. It’s called “Forever Changed” by Eddie Kirkland. It’s been such a great reminder of God’s mercy for His people. Kirkland reminds the listener that, even in our darkest hour, Christ meets with us and supplies in us everything we need to praise, serve, and glorify His name. This has been so true in my life. I struggle with various things, but Christ is so loving and forgiving. He speaks to us in the thunder and in a whisper, too. He draws near to us when we draw near to Him. I’ve learned a lot of great lessons here in Americus, but one of the greatest is the constant reminder that no matter how I’m feeling or what I’ve done, everyday God’s mercy is brand new. This is something that we as Christians should cling to and constantly bring praise to our Savior for. I know that sometimes during the day I get caught up in my own life, and I forget that this life is not mine. However, while I’m living on earth I should be constantly remembering that God supplies my every need to do His work. This does not mean that we should go on sinning thinking that He will just give us His mercy. Rather, when we do struggle and fall we should realize that Christ is here to pick us up and forgive us when we sincerely come to Him. His mercy brings my heart to life and His love, justice, and forgiveness bring strength to my bones. What a mighty God we serve.
Psalm 119 reminds us that we should take delight in the law of the Lord and cling to it. My life has been radically changed by what my Savior did for me when He took the wrath of God on Himself for my own sin. He made a way for me to have mercy and, most importantly, an intimate relationship with Him, the Creator of all things. Let this blog find you where you are and let it remind you that wherever you are in a high in life or in a low that God’s mercy is brand new every single day. We have been made alive by it and we should be thanking Him for it all the time. Yes, all the time.  I hope that as you read this you understand that if you have never experienced this life-changing grace and mercy that you can today.  Christ gives to all that ask and genuinely seek after Him.  So brothers and sisters, let us run the race that Christ has set out for us. His mercy is new every day and He is in our midst when we have struggles and fall. What a loving Creator we serve. 

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