Tuesday, February 11, 2014

I'll Be the One to Drive You Back Home (The Art of Making Playlist)

                        One of my great passions in life is music. If you spent even five minutes with me, then you know this to be true. Its the way in which I express myself and, my sub-sequential, emotions. There are too many songs and too many records that influence me. It is nearly impossible to look to just one of them, although I find I can. It is still tough. The art of playlist making allows me to reach outside the realm of one artists' album and it allows me to create. We are all made in God's image and created by him. Because of this, He has given us the gift of creating also. It is a beautiful gift. And just as bands create their own works of art, making playlists allows us to create as well. It allows us to become vulnerable to a larger audience if we like. Its amazing the power that music has over people. Creating is something that we as Christians, and people of the world, should be doing on a daily basis. Making playlists allows me to worship the Creator through creating. Creating is, of course, not limited to making playlists. We should be doing something that involves creating daily whether its writing, building, throwing, spinning, painting, or filming. It is an appropriate form of worship and one that will, ultimately, bring us closer to our Savior.
                         Spotify has allowed me to do such a thing at an alarming rate (just ask my girlfriend Heather). This is in no way a pitch for Spotify and I just mention it because it has allowed me to create. Ive been exposed to all kinds of music that I didn't know about via Spotify. Its been good for my soul. If you are interested and have a Spotify account I encourage you to explore some of the playlists I've created. Music is an incredible inspiration to me.( Even as I write this I'm listening to Josh Garrels). It helps me says things that I have trouble saying myself. Sometimes its easier for me to make a playlist for Heather when regular words just don't seem good enough. She's an incredible playlist maker too, by the way.
                          We innately have this desire to create because we are created beings. So, when we do create let us create worthwhile things that will glorify our Creator and Savior. It has given us this gift and desire. Let us not squander it. All Glory to Christ.


  1. holla at your awesome playlists! No, but seriously, it's a great talent to be able to relate so much back to music/songs/albums. So all the props to you. (this is Lou, hi)

  2. Love your playlists, dude. This is Eli!

    1. Just realized it said I was Eli. Oh well. I AM Eli! Haha!
